2014 · Family · Love · Occasions

April deals the best (and worst) cards quatre

So I know it is May already (and OMG June is around the corner) So this is the final edition of the months blab.

It my favourite time of the year but how it was spent was probably the most innocent, toned down version of any birthdays I’ve had before. Is this part of me and my friends growing up? or maybe I was just being swamped with work (I know, sometimes I tend to be the all work no play kind of person or I’ll just lose that want to play),  with all the assessments going on and the final assessment (good news guys!) coming up then, I honestly tried hard to keep away my worry mask.

I spent 2 days celebrating my birthday!


at a little chalet in East Coast Park! April is the birthday for Fary, Lin and myself! ❤ ❤ ❤

Thanks to the boys for putting their minds and bodies for this. Lol. Truly blessed to have them in my life! We ordered BBQ food from here and well the rest of the work was done by them. I bought our cake though! I really dont like those fruity cakes with the mango slices (so do the girls!) but thank God I was there because the boys were in love with the Mangokiwistrawberry laden cake. We got the blackforest (always a crowd favourite eh?)

So the night ended with games and then heading back for another day of eating!!

On the birthday itself, the bf drove me to Sentosa for a French-fusion semi casual dining called Ivy .. It was awesome! I had the lambs, it was just nice. but the surprise came in the form of a dessert… how do I say no?


It was the. best. molten. lava. cake I ever had! Because! it had not only chocolate, it had… peanut butter. holy smokes I love PB. (I can eat it with a spoon.. ok one tablespoon)

For dinner, it was a family affair at Carousel (make reservations here) it was fast and efficient and well, I had a good time with my family… eating again — what else. There was also a mass birthday song sung by the staff (ha ha) and a nice cupcake that I took home. Also compliments from the restaurant was a nice photo they took!


I love my family and im happy we get along better now than ever. Although I do miss my sister now that she has moved away 😦

So this is the end of the April stories that I have to tell. May is an even exciting one! Also I think I should add links to my posts.. for easier future reference! til then…. xx

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